
School Supply Shopping - an honored tradition every fall. This year, I have three children in school. (Have you seen the current lists?! They are extensive and excessive! I really do understand now the Supply Drives that they hold for the children who have no family resources to provide these things.) I am sad to report that School Supplies still hold the same vanity point previously set when I was in school. The children are very quick to point out which items are not appropriate to their level of personal cool-ness. And, thanks to well placed advertising (that they are bombarded with all summer long) they know exactly which items will catapult them into classroom infamy. I think that I held a middle ground on which items I acceded to, and which ones I nixed. So I am, in their minds, sort of concerned about their reputations. (Good grief! If they only knew!)

Because I want to be cool with my peers as well, I spoiled myself with a new stack of 100 CD-R's and multicolored Sharpies to decorate them with. I wanted to get the purple camo messenger bag, but my inner-mommy reminded me that I have three black ones from previous years that I never use. Ugh. My inner-mommy can be so lame sometimes...;)


Anonymous said...

Oh man, can I ever relate to this. Dropped almost $125 just to get the required gear for my 2 kids this weekend. That doesn't even count the various registration and activity fees, plus joyous knowledge that both kids are also going to need from $600-900 each for their respective class trips later in the year. Man I'm really going to have to sell a lot of candy bars and Gold C books at the office this year...

I honestly don't know how folks that make less than 6 figures do it, what the hell does my tax money go to anyway?

Anonymous said...

I never really was into the cool stuff. As much as I wanted it, I learned that no matter what, as long as it worked it was good.

I suppose when the other cool kids were eyeing each others new merch, I was busy learning how to sketch.

Good luck with yours! They can be demanding, but one day they will learn.


PS: You can add me to your Myspace if you like. "gente-boa@rogers.com" is my address.

Terri G said...

Mike: Its true! How do other people do it? Let me know when the Gold-C books come out. I will buy one...but then I will come knocking on your door for my kidz candle sales! LOL!

Jorge: Sweetie, you are already my MySpace friend. But I love that you would do it all over again. ;)

Anonymous said...

Have you people never heard of pilfering supplies from work? Sheesh! ;)

Hail Mary, Full of Grace

(Gesu Church in Miami, FL) One of the things I did this year in furthering my spiritual formation is sign up for Adoration once ...