
My Foot - Too Big To Swallow...

So...it's the weekend. I am literally sighing big exhales of relief. Why do some weeks take a month to get through?!

I took my handsome husband to retrieve his motorcycle from the shop yesterday, and while we were there he wanted to show me the saddle bags he had ordered - and spent a fortune on. Ohmygawd...I felt so bad. They are hard and shiny and give every appearance of belonging on a tourist cycle! Old man saddle bags, even. And of course, my mouth opened before my brain kicked in to censor, and I told him exactly what I thought.

I am no longer allowed as a passenger.

It is going to take alot of steak and potatoes and random tricks of the trade (yeah, that trade. Not that I ever was in that trade...I just read alot.) to get my behind back on the black beast.

At least I have goals...


Jeff said...

OOPS.....That pretty much sums up the scenario! Or, and maybe "oh, crap" , that might sum it up as well! Well, if the deal isn't done, maybe the leather saddle bags without the studs and fringes might be a trade off. BMW wear is very practical, though....you can check in to the Ritz Carlton with it.....

Terri G said...

Jeff: Yeah, the leather bags without the studs and fringe is exACTLY what I envisioned. But no.

But hey...if you say they will go over well at the Ritz then I am suddenly just fine with the oldmansaddlebags!
Nice to see you, sweetie...

f:lux said...

Studs and fringes? Could he possibly be building up to buying you a bikini and a pair of chaps? ;)

My boyfriend is a biker too, AND he has a couple of old BMWs so I'm really interested in the can-get-you-into-the-Ritz-wear mentioned. Because I had the impression that biker fashion is in a time warp world of its own. Knobbly knees and slogan Tee-shirts. Beer bellies. This could just be the British way though...

jnuts said...

Man and saddlebag should never be used in the same sentence. Oh, you're not talking about thighs, are you?

Anonymous said...

LOLOLOL.....goals are good. Good luck!

Anonymous said...

Some men are so sensitive about their toys.


I'm sure you'll get back on there in no time.

justacoolcat said...

Moral of the story, become easily offended and get steak dinners and traicks of the trade.

Hmmm, I like it.

Slight Clutter said...

Alas, this is what happens when a man's treasure and his toys don't get along. Tricks of the trade -- we've all (kinda) been there! lol. ;)

Terri G said...

f:lux: I am thinking that the beer bellies and T's are universal. J swears on his very life he will not be this icon. ;)

Jock: So you DO understand my uncomfortableness with saying the word saddlebags over and over...;)

Marla: Thanks! BTW, it worked...heehee!

Jorge: I know, huh?! Good grief!

JACC: ...and now I understand why he gets offended. I am rewarding his petulent behaviour. Thank you very much for pointing this out! ;)

Katya: I am thrilled to not be alone in the world of using the tricks to calm the ruffled feelings...I felt so dirty. ;)

Hail Mary, Full of Grace

(Gesu Church in Miami, FL) One of the things I did this year in furthering my spiritual formation is sign up for Adoration once ...