
I don't like me today. I am overwhelmed and under-petted. The part of me that needs lotsa interaction with losta people is screaming with neglect, but there is nothing I can do about it on a Saturday morning with work looming in just a few minutes. And I am pretty sure that interaction with lotsa people is not even the solution to how I feel! (What miserable company I would be.)

It isn't something I can fix with a night drinking and dancing in a different town...h*ll, I don't even want to drink (or dance!) in my own house today. It isn't something I can fix by e-mailing, txting, calling, IMing, writing, going to a concert, attending a house party, or even flying back east for some R & R. Can't keep it at bay by reading, making out, floating in the pool, listening to music or by taking a walk. It is what it is, and apparantly I must go through it and not over, under or around it. Ugh. Not a fan of the direct approach, it seems...


Anonymous said...

Take comfort in the knowledge that you are not the only soul that is searching, even if that comfort is small.....

The journey will be worth it.

Anonymous said...

Bury it under the front step and dig it out next spring when you have the time...(yeah, yeah, I know, it's no wonder I'm not a professional psychiatrist, is it?)

I'm always amazed at how in tune with yourself you seem to be, Terri. You recognize problems before they wreck full-scale havoc.

I keep telling you I have the perfect solution: it starts with a K and ends with an -itten ;)

Anonymous said...

your mom loves you very much

Terri G said...

Jeff: Woohoo! So good to not be alone on Wandering Road! ;)

Indi: Believe me when I say that I will have a kitten before the summer is over. I just feel bad that I don't want to come get one of those feral ones...I am a little afraid of anything feral...;)

Mom: I love you, too! ;)

Anonymous said...

so, it's a bad thing when someone says I'm feral?

Anonymous said...

hmmm. maybe they just meant I'm a pussy. who knows?

Hail Mary, Full of Grace

(Gesu Church in Miami, FL) One of the things I did this year in furthering my spiritual formation is sign up for Adoration once ...