
My mum is the greatest. No, I swear! Having E enter our lives at such a pivotal moment has not shaken her one bit. In this age of MySpace and blogging, my mom calmly sits on the lake in her boat with her laptop reading up on not only MY ramblings, but also the wild life of a 16 yr old girl - and never once judges or critics. I am very proud that E will be able to integrate peacefully into my existing family. It is quite the matriarchy with us - the women determine how things will proceed. E will be accepted with open arms into a family that has loved her from the moment she was born. How lucky are E & I?!


Anonymous said...

"the women determine how things will proceed"

Yikes. Sounds a bit like Harvest Home.

I grew up in a family of women. My grandmother lived with me my entire life at home. She really was my second mother. I'm thankful for that. It's a privilege not many get anymore. Yeah, yeah. Rambling. I do that sometimes. It's the woman in me.

Anonymous said...

I feel like there's a physics equation in this entry somewhere with the E & the I and the MC squared ;)

My mom was a hippie so she doesn't judge, either, thank goodness.


Anonymous said...

My mom is a traditionalist, and she has blown me away before with an open mind that I didn't know existed. I'm thrilled that you're mom is so accepting and open, but I'm not surprised.......Moms are really mind blowing sometimes...

I don't think that is luck, that is love...

Just my humble opinion....

Terri G said...

JJ: I now have to go google Harvest Home. It rings a bell, and presently I feel quite ignorant that I cannot access the reference.

How wonderful to have gramma live with you! And I do so love your womanly rambles...ramble on, my friend!

Indi: Hippie mommies are the best! My mom was a hippie in appearance only. Never could stomach the rest of the culture, but she did retain the tolerance of other people.

And I really stink at Algebra. It is one of the only classes I have left to take...ugh. But MCsquared works for me in so many ways! ;)

Jeff: Moms are awesome! And you know I love your humble opinions, especially when they mirror mine. ;)

Hail Mary, Full of Grace

(Gesu Church in Miami, FL) One of the things I did this year in furthering my spiritual formation is sign up for Adoration once ...