
Happy Thanksgiving to all...

(my dad)

Well. 'Tis Thanksgiving 2006...and I am thankful for many things.

I just wish I was better at holidays. Not for my little family, but for my extended family and my parents.

Dad and Mel invited us to dinner - and we declined. He is very hurt, as is his wife. It is difficult to explain to them how my babies and husband just wanted to make and have dinner all by ourselves this year. So I didn't. I just said we had other plans. And I have heard nothing from him since. I guess I could call him, but I get physically ill when I hear the symptoms of Eeyore Syndrome coming through my dad's strong voice. I am wrong and I know it, but there is nothing I can do to change my attitude.

Speaking of feeling sorry for one's self, I had quite the moment this morning. Jerry and Taylor were busy in the kitchen cooking and having a really great time together - all the while shouting out things for me to add to the shopping list they had prepared for me. Now, I didn't mind going shopping, but for some reason I felt very left out of the holiday proceedings today. Like I didn't belong. Like I had been replaced as the alpha female in my home...

Weird, huh? I am over it now.

Tuesday night, my husband finally came down with the dreaded flu that my children have been spreading (literally) all over my house. Except for it hit him so freakin' hard that I had to take him to the ER. I tried EVERYthing to get his fever down...but after he puked his Tylenol up for the third time and was still shivering with 9 blankets on, I cried Uncle. Placing the obligatory call to the on-call doctor, I was traumatized to hear that he could be going septic after his knee surgery. He could be rendered immobile and his organs might start shutting down if I did not hurry him down to the hospital. You can bet that I hurried...as much as you can hurry while you are dragging a 6'4 man to the car.

We spent all night at the ER, pumping him up with fluids and getting his nausea under control. Turns out he was not going septic after all. And you know what? As much hatred as I had felt for him earlier in the night when he was telling me that he was going to leave me as soon as he could, I felt very tender and loving towards him when I thought he was going to die. What exactly does that say about me? Hmmm.

I haven't asked him now that he is feeling better if he has decided to stay. And I don't really care. There will be plenty of time in the future for him to clarify his intentions.

By the way, I pulled the cable from upstairs THROUGH the wall and floor and hooked my puter up. It looks mighty ghetto right now, but it is just temporary. I swear it is.

Happy Thanksgiving, all!



NT said...

We be hanging in there ... one lousy beautiful wondrous screwed-up sucky happy stupid bitchy ecstatically glorious day at a time.

And then we die.

Seems kinda pointless doesn't it? But next year's garden is going to be killer so I think I'll stick around just to watch it grow. You got lots to look forward to too so keep laughing at the absurdity of it all.

And as long as you keep writing about it, we'll be laughing right along with you.

Terri G said...

Jim: LOL @ the garden! That really did make me giggle...

And you are right - we get through the days, enjoy what we can, and then ...we wait for next year's garden.

Thank you for the smile, my friend.

Sarah said...

Oh My GOD! How terrible, Terri. Sorry I haven't been around- must be the turkey enzyme making my brain sleepy.

I hope everything is going better for you all now.

Anonymous said...

{{{HUGS}}} I'm sorry for all your heartache lately and can't think of any other words to convey that.

That's ok about the ghetto computer hook-up in the office. Desparate times call for desparate measures :-)

Terri G said...

Miss Sarah: That Turkey Enzyme is so very powerful. I intend to use that reason for my brain absentee-ism for the next two months. Watch and see! :)

I hope Jordan's birthday weekend is going swimmingly...what a great kid.

Marla: I am hoping to find a handsome handyman to "fix" my cable...it could be MyGuy, or anyone else at this point. As long as it's done. There is something so weird about having cable draped over doors in the office. LOL

Hail Mary, Full of Grace

(Gesu Church in Miami, FL) One of the things I did this year in furthering my spiritual formation is sign up for Adoration once ...