
I didn't take that picture in the previous post, I swear. I swear on everything that is holy - I got it from an online swimsuit catalogue. I promise.

...a little stuck, am I, in my glass box today. Not communicating well, but I can see everything going on around me. I feel as awkward as the child with her face pressed up against the window...features all warped and smashed, looking at everything that is unaccessible at this point. Tomorrow morning I am hoping to find the lid to my glass box open. I have had enough trying to break out for today.


Anonymous said...

Apparently, I fell into a similar glass box. The difference? I have no desire to climb out. Shut the lid, please.

Beautiful cat photo, by the way. Haunting, actually.

Anonymous said...
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Terri G said...

Thank you! I wish I could remember who sent it to me...

-And do you have your face smushed against the side of the glass box like a child at the candy store? ;) *shutting lid*

Hail Mary, Full of Grace

(Gesu Church in Miami, FL) One of the things I did this year in furthering my spiritual formation is sign up for Adoration once ...