
Rocky Mountain High...

(if you click on this, you can see the moose just hanging out on the golf course. Silly moose. There are golfers not 50 feet away and still they are staying on the green. Someone call fore!)

I finally got a little road trip, anyway. It made me miss my mom.
She used to live up in Woodland Park, CO, and going to visit her in the fall was a like visual candy. The colors, the vistas, the lighting - all perfect.

The boys and I drove up the canyon to Estes Park today and honestly, we had the best time. They had gotten up early and cleaned their room, eaten their breakfast and did not bicker one time. What was my reward for them? Sticking them in a car and making them go up where the temperature was freezing, the wind was howling, and made them hike in and out of the woods. We stopped at every sunny place along the river, and anywhere the trees appeared to be changing color. It was awesome!

Anyway, I find myself partial to the shots that I think will make my mom homesick...

I think that is called emotional manipulation. Ugh.

It's so different to drive somewhere just to enjoy the scene. I forgot there was such intense beauty just up the road.

I also forgot to send out the memo to the other drivers on the road that I was a tourist today...I wanted to shout to them to slow down and enjoy themselves! Where could they have possibly needed to get to at such an unhappy clip?! They wanted to shout at me to hurry up or get out of the way. In fact, I think they DID shout that...I have a hard time reading lips in the rear view mirror, but I am a strong believer in body language speaking louder than words. Especially The Finger type of body language.

Anyway, I can't think of a better way to have spent my Sunday. It could only have been topped if a live band would have been in the car with me...

One more thing...Here is a bench for Katya's collection. It was 60 feet away from the moose on the golf course, but I decided it was worth putting my life in danger to get it! ;)


Quindigo said...

I'm so envious. I wouldn't be able to find scenery like that...in less than a 3 days drive. And I don't even want to think about all the finger flipping after all that!

(are you sure those aren't deer hanging out on the golf course?)

Anonymous said...

Gorgeous pictures!!!! When I 5 years old we lived in Englewood for a short time and I remember it being so pretty when we went up in the mountains. Maybe instead of the coast, I need to make Colorado our next vacation spot :-) Thank you for sharing those beautiful pictures with us.

Terri G said...

Did I say MOOOOOOSE? Alot of times?! OMG. What the hell is wrong with me?

Yes, they are elk. Please do not tell my husband-the-hunter that I made such a grevious error.


Indi: Thank you for being so brave and telling me...good grief. And I think you DID post beautiful scenery within three days drive of you! ;)

Marla: That would be soooo neat. Perhaps CO gets in your blood...She is calling to you!

Slight Clutter said...

Wow, thank you! I do have an affinity for those bench shots, and this one is a keeper! I'm sorry I just now got to it. I tried to limit my computer time this weekend. ;)

Elk? Jealousy sets in. When I was a young girl of single digits, my dad lived in Denver. I would spend my summers with him, and most weekends that meant heading up into the Rocky Mountains (Estes Park was a big favorite) for kiddie hiking. My brother and I would have our eyes plastered to the car windows on "animal watch." Of course, we were dying to see a bear or maybe a moose...but what we always ended up seeing were elk. Lots of them. Back then it was a bit of a let down...kind of like winning the bronze ribbon. But today, I realize that the "bronze ribbon" is pretty awesome.

Thanks for the trip down memory lane. The photos are terrific!

jnuts said...

I had family in Colorado when I was a child, so trips to Estes Park were often. I can recall those magic trips like they were yesterday. You're so very lucky to have that magic within driving distance.

Unknown said...

These are really great! You live in such a beautiful part of the country. I am particularly fond of the moose...hahaha.

Terri G said...

Katya: wow...limit one's computer time?! I have always meant to try that. LOL

Glad you like the bench...if I hadn't been scared of the moose/elk, I would have tried to make it an interesting shot. But no. You just got a bench.

I still watch for bears, too, and apparantly I make UP moose.;)

Jock: I am so glad you have had the opportunity to visit Estes - truly it is magical for our family as well. You should come visit!

Becca: Thank you! And thank you for seeing and feeling fondness towards my imaginary animals...*doh*
perhaps next time I will see cougars and such!

Hail Mary, Full of Grace

(Gesu Church in Miami, FL) One of the things I did this year in furthering my spiritual formation is sign up for Adoration once ...