Note to self:
Self, if you want to feel inferior, you must lock yourself in your office with a bottle of wine and hit "next blog" about 452 times. And then you should feel ashamed of yourself for the amount of time you wasted doing that. Inferiority and shame - two equally powerful emotions. Let's do that again real soon.
I've yet to play the Next Blog game. Indigo asks, "How could I not?"
Apparently, I need to drink wine.
Been there....Done that....Haha. You are not alone! Did you happen to notice how few interesting/literate blogs there really are?? That part was even sadder than the shame of the next blog click-fest.
Stay away from beer when you play - you'll stop on every foreign language blog and try to pick out words.
And, yeah, I was telling Jock about the PORN on here, surprised they can get away with that when MSN would have shut them down...maybe that's the real reason I play ;)
I'm totally addicted to reading blogs too! I should really get a life!
Hey, just stopping by to check out your super here costume! can't wait! Candy~
Jock: Let me know if you need a glass...don't just pour it out of the box into your mouths as the heathens do. ;)
Becca: I love it when you commiserate with me...you never let me feel shamed alone! ;)
Indi: PORN? I found no porn. I need to get another bottle of wine, me thinks, and try again. D*mmit. Here's to another night of shame and humiliation ...and porn.;)
Marla: I think it is important to have a life - only so that people have something for me to read! LOL
Candy: I want to be a superskankyfreak in black - my husband wants me to be WebGurl. Monitor for the head, keyboard for top piece, mouse for codpiece. Do Superherogirls need codpieces?
Why is that a bad thing?
You're looking at it all wrong.
Testing entropy to make sure it still works is a valid job description.
Jorge: ROFL! I don't mind telling you that I had to look up the exact definition of entropy - and you are right! That is EXACTLY what I was doing...
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