
Little Miss Muffet...

Look what was sitting by my desk when I got to the office today...ugh!

*not the lens cap. That is just for huuuge spidey reference.

And then when I got home, my boys had a present for me.

I am feeling a bit creepy-crawly...


Anonymous said...

The caterpillar I can deal with but not the spider. Good Lord....he's huge!!!

Anonymous said...

I went to my favorite Mama T reference area only to be greeted by the most hideous picture I've ever seen. Spiders make me want to pee myself. But the real question is, did you kill it or did Big J?

Terri G said...

Marla: Indeed. I hate spiders...caterpillars make me a little itchy too, though. Something about all of those feet.

MyNiel: LOL! The spider crawled back under my desk and has not resurfaced. I keep my feet on the legs of the chair...very uncomfortable!

Hail Mary, Full of Grace

(Gesu Church in Miami, FL) One of the things I did this year in furthering my spiritual formation is sign up for Adoration once ...