Friday! Sweet Friday...how is it possible to experience an extremely long four day week?!
I intend to pack so much into this weekend that my head will literally spin off. There is a music festival in Estes Park, Rightfully Accused (who I met at Seether in Feb.) is playing at Eck's Saloon in Denver in the Battle of the Bands, and AudioSlave's new album came out 9-5.
Oh - and then there is the birthday parties. One for a sweet little kindergartner, and the other for a child that likes to punch and kick my youngest on the bus every day. The latter is one that I will accompany him on and size up the mother.
I think that I could take her. Happy Birthday, darling!
Nice photo Terri.
It HAS been a very long week.
We're in the process of looking for a house, and it's really stressful!
So, is Rightfully Accused playing at the birthday party?!? That'd be pretty cool for a bunch of kids in kindergarden! And I KNOW you could take her, never any question!
Jorge: thank you! It is one of my faves for sure.
Wow! A new house?! Definitely stress inducing - but congratulations on such a huge event! Can't wait for the house warming party...
Jeff: Wouldn't that be AMAZING?! *sigh* if only...
And thank you for your faith in my mommybuttkicking abilities. Means alot...hopefully she isn't taller than 5'5.
Are there enough days for all of that? Have Fun!
Looks like you not only your long four day work week is paying off great dividends come weekend time! Sounds like you'll be having a blast...well, save maybe the playground rumble that you have on tap. Don't worry, we've all got your back. ;)
Kathleen: ...I figure if I don't sleep or do any chores, there should be just enough time. LOL
Slight: That mommy will be so sorry that she let her little boy be a bully when she sees the massive show of strength from the Bloghound Gang!
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