
The Ocean, She Rules Me...

Still talking about vacation here, folks. I am all about living in the moment, but oh-so-very-cool events must be documented thoroughly. And we have only covered the Airport, Security, FBI/CIA/whoever they were, and Airplanes. We must move on quickly before I forget the exact details and start making up my own eclectic timeline.

Our plane landed in Boston, MA on Tuesday morning. That is the last thing I know about Tuesday. I slept. All. Freaking. Day. And night. Aaaargh!

Now WEDnesday - that was a great day! Wednesday is the day that my beloved step-father Bob drove me to Manchester, NH to meet my internet friend Terri2005 from the Quitnet. I have corresponded with her daily for almost a year and a half either by Email, Qmail or txt mssge. I have even seen pics of her and her family on the blog scene - but meeting in person was aMAZing!
She and Kathie were delightful company, and we shared a great lunch giggling and talking random things...I adore her. Terri is much littler than I imagined - shorter than ME, anyway. Her personality online is very expansive and gregarious so I really expected to meet someone about 6 foot tall. So much wonderfulness in a petite little person...how great is it to actually meet someone for the first time who lives clear across the country and feel like you have known them your whole life?! Unbelievable...

Mom & Bob met us after lunch and then began the traditional trek to the ocean. I am partial to Rye Beach - have to go there every time we get back East. So magical...so mystical...I have a reverent awe of that spot in the vast world. I actually cried the first time I arrived there - sobbed even. The children frolicked and the adults walked the beach, just soaking in the sun, the wildlife, and the soul altering sound of the waves. I listened with great interest to Mom and Bob discuss the feasibility of purchasing a house in the vicinity. If anyone could make that happen, it would be my mother! And I think I would move right in. Even if it meant living in the closet...

* I am trying to post a pic of the babies and I playing in the waves right now...BlogSpot isn't letting me. I swear there are no thongs. Whatever.*

I love watching the children trying to absorb the greatness of the Ocean, drinking in their fascination with the beach sand, sea shells, and the various live treasures that they insisted I hold on to for them. Do they feel the same spiritual connection I do? Do they hear the same timeless sounds that echo in my ears for days after visiting? Does their heart pound when they smell the lush green and clear blue air? (Don't ask me how air has color. It just does.)

After a nice dinner at Ray's Lobster Station, our dreams were full of rolling waves and gently rocking boats...Good Lord, I can't wait to get there again.


Unknown said...

Meeting "online" friends is always fun. They are never exactly like you think....but so far, I have never been disappointed.
I have to admit that your tales of airport security gave me hives just thinking about it....haha. I haven't had to deal with that in a couple of months, and I am sure that its bound to be worse than ever right now.

Anonymous said...

eclectic, gregarious thong pictures! That's what we all want!;-)

I know of what you speak about your own special place on earth! That truly is where air can take on the trait of colour! (yep, Canadian spelling)

Quindigo said...

Are you planning your next trip yet? It sounds truly wonderful, and reminds me of trips to see my ex's family in Boston/Maine. Well, except you probably didn't have the controlling mother-in-law and stuff-you-full-of-cookies-and-cinnamon-rolls father-in-law, but still...sounds lovely!

Terri G said...

Becca: I have to admit that on the way home I got through security with three lighters, a tube of lotion, a bottle of perfume and a thing of lip-gloss...but I am only admitting this to you. Not the FBI/CIA/National Guard that surrounds the airport these days...

Jeff: Any word with a U seems to take on a new and exciting flavour...;)

Indi: LOL! No, but I have heard lots of stories of in-laws JUST LIKE THAT from the same area. Is it the logistics? *shudder*

Hail Mary, Full of Grace

(Gesu Church in Miami, FL) One of the things I did this year in furthering my spiritual formation is sign up for Adoration once ...