
We're Not In Kansas Anymore...

At my little Bistro, alot of money changes hands everyday and I am always on the lookout for counterfeit bills. I find myself a little suspicious of the family that comes in two or three times in one day with a fresh $100.00 bill every time they pay a $13.00 (or so) ticket...claiming that to be the smallest denomination they have, although I know I have given them at least 6 $20's in the previous hours. 'Tis not my place to search the wallets and purses, but I just think that scenario is a little unlikely! I have been known to miss, however, a Canadian penny or some other coin from a random country.

Today I pulled a complete bonehead.

While counting the quarters and fussing to myself about having no $1's and $5's thanks to TheOneHundredDollarBill Family, I came across an odd and unfamiliar coin. Pulling at my hair a little and gesturing wildly with my other hand, I moaned,"Now, WHO took the coin from Kansas?!!!"

Oh, trust me. There are many, many more terrimoments. Just. Like. That.


Anonymous said...

LOL - I'd have been really worried about you if the Kansas quarter had some flying monkeys or some such on the back...

Anonymous said...

What's the matter with Canadian Pennies? They're pretty cool with the maple leaves and the Queen on the other side.......



Anonymous said...

I've actually been collecting American State Quarters.
I think I have about 14 now...

Anonymous said...

Mike said Flying Monkeys...hehehe.
But I do know what you mean, all these different coins make it hard to recognize a plain old .25 quarter anymore. I am all for standard coins without all of the fancy stuff. I, too, suffer terrimoments, but for me, we just call them being blonde...LOL!

Terri G said...

Mike: No kidding, huh? Although, that WOULD be pretty novel...

Jeff: Oh, I really do think they are pretty! They just aren't that spendy here...I dunno why...

Jorge: You have $3.50 in American money, almost more than me. I might need to borrow some...but not the Kansas one, okay? ;)

Becca: LOL! Yeah, but you get all the benefits of being blonde, too. Like...well, being blonde! I would just like to try it ONCE.

Hail Mary, Full of Grace

(Gesu Church in Miami, FL) One of the things I did this year in furthering my spiritual formation is sign up for Adoration once ...