Ugh...the kiddo's are sick today. My middle child has a fever of 102.5 - has been running it since yesterday. Although he went to the school nurse twice, they were not able to get ahold of me and so the poor baby spent the afternoon sleeping in her office. That makes me feel like such a bad mommy. My youngest has a cough that sounds like a seal - it is his normal cough for a simple cold, but it raises quite the alarm with school districts as it sounds like whooping cough.
So I called in to work today so I could stay home and take care of them. THAT makes me feel like a bad employee...
I never was very sympathetic when my staff would call in to say they were home with sick babies. Remembering all the times I rolled my eyes while talking to them on the phone makes me feel like a bad employer and friend...
I am angry at the J-Man because he flat out refused to be the one to stay home. Some important project with a deadline, blahblahblah. I am frustrated with my extended family who tells me to "just call if you ever need me!" 'cause that apparently has stipulations. My anger and frustration with other people just because I a

So, lets recap. One kid with a high fever, one with a scary sounding cough, and me with a case of the bad's. This is going to be a great day.
So, I'm guessing it would be a bad thing to bundle the kids up, drop them off at the school nurse's office for the day?
Poor kids...I'm so sorry. Remember, most of the times we roll our eyes at those that call in with sick babies it is because they abuse the excuse! Don't feel bad because of that. You have to be a good Mommy first and foremost to be a good person...period. Take care of those kids and don't worry about work! We'll take care of it! :)
Marla: Thanks for the encouragement. I bet you never resented your girls for getting sick though...methinks you might be very maternal! I am hoping the maternal part of me kicks in very soon...;)
Jock: Somewhere in my early morning temperature taking haze, I am sure that I contemplated doing JUST that. And yeah...it seems they discourage the dumping off of feverish children. Where exactly are my tax dollars going, anyway?!
MissLyss: I am hoping today wasn't the day the Health Inspector showed up - that would surely negate my bossman's willingness to let me stay home. Oh. And I am SO coming to work tomorrow. J-Man gets to take tomorrow off!! LOL ;)
If someone were to warn potential-parents-to-be about the sick kid syndrome, the human species would very quickly become extinct, I believe! How much truth is there in the saying 'Misery Loves Company?'
I hope the fever breaks overnight, and the 'seal' heads out to sea!
Oh, I hear ya', Terri - I have two sick cats at home and you have NO IDEA how badly I want to stay home with them....but apparently my boss is a heartless bastard!
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