
...Leaving On A Jet Plane...

I took this picture at Rye Beach in New Hampshire. It was my first visit there - 2003. When I leave it hanging on my desk I suffer from tremendous wanderlust...
The kids and I are going back East tomorrow night for a week. I am overwhelmingly excited, not only to see the sights again, but to hang with my mom and to experience the world through her magical eyes. Even the color of things are different when I am with her.
Right now, I am trying to wrap things up in a manner that completes the minimal amount of what needs to be done. I think this is the first time I have failed miserably in completing a monumental task - one that I had started anyway. It will still be here when I get home. Ugh. Not going to think about that right now...
I think I already left the state, with or without a jetplane!


Anonymous said...

DO NOT miss your flight (and wave when you fly over Alabama - I'll be looking for you ;)

Anonymous said...

Even the color of things are different when I am with her."

That's about the sweetest thing I've ever read about someone's mom.

Anonymous said...

Well, I guess 'welcome back' will be in order soon. Hope you had a great time! Tell us all about it when you get the chance......

Anonymous said...

I will say that my state of mind is nowhere near Ohio.

Does that help?

Terri G said...

Indi: You sure were on my mind! And that fee for missing your flight was too! ;)

Fury: Good to see you! I have been missing you...

Jeff:I am gonna talk your ear off about it all, and you are gonna regret saying that!

Jorge: You know? It DOES help! ;)

Hail Mary, Full of Grace

(Gesu Church in Miami, FL) One of the things I did this year in furthering my spiritual formation is sign up for Adoration once ...