...I did indeed Ramble tonight. With WhiteWater Ramble, that is...
I won a spot on tonight's guest list which, of course, made me a bit giddy. However, when we got there, there were seven- count 'em, seven other people there. It wasn't till later that we found out that four of them were part of the band WWR was opening for.
Tuesday night in Colorado. Go figure.
I learned several things tonight.
- I don't like bluegrass. I like JAMgrass - I definitely do not like bluegrass.
- One good thing about not smoking is that you have your windows closed when you are driving through quiet neighborhoods at 1 AM singing at the top of your lungs.
- Duncan Sheik is still the sh*t. So is Billy Squier.
- Thrash music in the middle of the night is scary.
- Cops no longer have to show their lights when they are hiding in the median.
- Seal makes me miss my gramma...and also makes me feel like she is still here.
- Breakfast is best between midnight and 1AM.
- I am too old to do these late nights more than once a week. Maybe once every two weeks.
I am doing exactly the same thing to my loved ones in real life, too.
Gonna go buy me some balance tomorrow. Know where some is on sale?
I think it's right next to the aisle where spare time and vacations are for sale...
Billy Squier is a God.
I don't like bluegrass either...don't know about JAMgrass though.
I love Duncan Sheik!!!!! I'll have to go dig out my CD...thanks for the reminder.
I don't like Bluegrass either. But I DO want to know where to find that balance. I'll pay whatever the price...hahaha
Jim: Aha! They were all out when I finally found the aisle...so I got a raincheck. A raincheck for balance. LOL
Freak: Indeed! Glad to hear that someone else enjoys some Billy from time to time!
Marla: F:lux got to see him in concert in London not too long ago...I think that would have been a great show. GREAT show.
Becky: Ugh. Thanksgiving. Sometimes I wish I was a bear and could just sleep through the family holidays. Do you think they sell holiday cheer in some random aisle?
Becca: I will share my raincheck with you. We may have to wait a verrrrry long time...LOL
"I am doing exactly the same thing to my loved ones in real life, too."
What? WHAT? This is supposed to be some sort of consolation? Geez, Terri, I need your attention and I need it NOW! ;) (I hear ya', sistah, life seems to be spinning while the world is tilting and I'm doing my best just to hang on!).
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