
Beegle Noise

The Beegle's
(click to enlarge - please)

Last weekend Niel and I got to go see an amazing man and his amazing men play an amazing show. Remember the guy who owns the production company that is going to let me organize his warehouse and perhaps get all of his MySpace pages sorted out? Yeah. His brother is Dave Beegle, one of the most talented guitarists in the world. I feel pretty silly because I hadn't heard much about him until this new phase in my employment happened. But you can bet that I will know all about him pretty soon, 'cause that's just how I roll. Obsessively. (HA! - I wish I was kidding...this dog with a bone thing is exhausting!)

The only bad part of the show? The one and a half bottles of REALLY good wine that I drank with my boss. I was up on a chair shooting pics at one time, and the only way I know that for myself is from the pics of the drummer - poor guy. He must have been frightened by me. Then, I decided to sit on the floor. As evidenced by all of the shots being angled up. At least there is a record of events...

Wednesday is a new 30 Seconds to Mars show...and I am still trying to figure out if I am going to try to take THE camera, or just settle for the concert cam. If I remember correctly, I think I had a hard time getting even the little one into the Filmore last time they were here. I think they should publish a list on the web: which bands are so sissy that they confiscate your camera, and which ones are confident enough in their photogenicness to allow me to experience it. Yeah...a list.

Took my Jeremy to the dentist today, and oh! My poor little man. He has to have a tooth extracted on Wednesday - apparently it is an extra. How in the world do you get extra teeth? I am playing it cool...telling him that he must be destined to grow very big if his body decided to grow extra teeth for all the chewing of food he will have to do. He giggles. That's good - because I sure am cringing on the inside for him - tooth extraction?! ugh.
Dave Beegle 019

Things seem to be happening so fast and furious...my little mind doesn't seem to be able to keep up, what with being chemically deprived and all. But I am still enjoying myself for the most part.

Anyone have extra Alice in Chains tix for the 20th?


NT said...

Great photos! Sounds like an awesome show. I hadn't heard of Dave before but based on his website giving "bandwidth exceeded" errors right now, a lot of other people have. His Myspace site has an exciting embedded video from the new DVD in case anyone else wants to get a taste of his performance: http://www.myspace.com/davebeegle

Good luck to Jeremy - maybe take him to Alice in Chains on a school night as a reward???

NT said...

Er, later ... spent enough time getting familiar with Dave's music that I thought our listeners would definitely enjoy hearing about him. Hope it's okay I used one of your stunning photos (with attribution) ... if you'd rather I didn't, just say the word and it can poof.

Thanks again for the head's up on Dave. He's a find.

Terri G said...

Jim, I am so honored that you posted all of that information on your WholeWheat Radio website.

And I am tickled that you enjoy Dave, too!

Wanna go to Alice in Chains with us?

Anonymous said...

Your pictures rock!!!

How did Jeremy do at the dentist yesterday? Poor little guy.....hope he's doing ok.

Sarah said...

Your pictures are inspiring me to pick up my camera for something other than drunken escapades. Awesome, Terri.

f:lux said...

Very pro gig pix


so much so they make me want to check out Mr Beegle!

Lady Bagladie said...

HI terri,
this reminds me that I had pictures of Pink Floyd, mother's finest and Rod Stewart that burned in my house fire. Those were the good old days. Bands wanted you to take pictures.
Ps I'm back and forth from spaces to blogger....

Quindigo said...

That last shot? FABULOUS! (thankfully, it doesn't have the same effect as it did on Sarah - I'm not putting my beer down. You'll have to pry it out of my fingers, though for drunken escapades, I've been using my phone lately).

Terri G said...

Marla: He did so well...he is seven, and he handled it better than any adult I have ever witnessed in the dentist chair. Which is exactly zero...but I have a great imagination.LOL

Sarah: Ohhh...but your drunken escapade pics are so YUMmy! I was thinking of doing some of THOSE, actually!

F:lux- coming from you, that was the highest compliment you could have paid me! Thank you very much...

Hey Kat: Nice to see you here! I am enjoying running in to you all over the place *wink*

Ugh. I can't imagine how I would feel about losing my memorabilia in a fire. I hope noone was hurt - that is the only thing that could be worse!

Indi: It's amazing how great the phone pics come out, huh? AND they never get confiscated. AND you never have to put down your drink to use it!

Hail Mary, Full of Grace

(Gesu Church in Miami, FL) One of the things I did this year in furthering my spiritual formation is sign up for Adoration once ...