The Pumpkin Patch - SO much fun. Beautiful sunny day, crisp Autumn air, frolicking children and great friends. And no. There was not ONE pub even remotely close to me - so you know it was just that great all by itself!
Last year I realized that I am somewhat of a closet redneck (as much as that makes me want to vomit) because the one thing that draws my attention and keeps it for long periods of time is the Punkin'Chunker.
Yeah. See? Told you I had a closet redneck in me.

But seriously - check that out! It sounds like a cannon, and then it feels like nailing the greatest drive ever down the green...'cause noone sees the object land. Until you finally give up looking for it and then - wham! It hits the ground and smashes all over the place.
I want one. And I am ashamed of myself.
In other news: Because I am a mommy/wife, I do not get to take an uninterrupted shower. I have seen other women blog about this, and heard many a woman whine about it - so I have just accepted it as part of the deal.
Yesterday during my shower (right at the lather/rinse part) my middle child started banging on the door, hollering at the top of his lungs about how my youngest was using the "f" word.
Me: *Sigh* What are you yelling about?!
Jeremy: Jory is saying the "F" word!
Me: What? I don't understand you. Send your brother here.
Jory: What, mom?
Me: Are you saying the "F" word? Do you need me to wash your mouth out with soap?
Jory: No, Ma'am. I am only saying "F*cking"... not the really bad "Freakin''' word!
Me: Oh...oh. Well. Hmmm. Don't say that either, okay? But go tell your dad about this first before you stop saying it forever.

Here he is picking up a pumpkin that weighs 4/5 as much as he does. I know. He LOOKS innocent anyway.
And don't forget this: I got my bracelet today for three days of no smoking. What do you think I should get for 3 WEEKS of no smoking? Yeah, I thought I should get a trip to Greece, too. Glad we think alike.
PunkinChunker. Never even heard of these before! Does it do that for fun or what? I mean, why?
Oh, and congrats on the no smoking thing BTW. Maybe I should try to stop again...
Oh those pics turned out amazing! What a fun day...so glad I got to share it with everyone I love most! : ) I love that Jory story...I've told just about everyone I know cause I think it's the funniest thing I've ever heard, and oh so very Jor-Man. Oh, and by the way, since I'm not smoking either does that mean I get to go to Greece too? Cause I wanna come. Seriously. : ) Congrats on the bracelet T...I'm truly excited for you...N
F:lux - indeed it is for fun. They have competitions here in the MidWest ... they shoot pumpkins from farm to farm!
I would like to shoot a pumpkin right through my trashy neighbors' picture window. HAHA...kidding...okay no. I am not kidding.;)
When you are ready to quit, let me know! I will barrage you with QuitNet stuff. LOL
MyNiel: Of COURSE you can come to Greece with me! You don't smoke. But what is cooler is you are GRADUATING from COLLEGE! That is definitely a trip to Greece...
And also, thank you for all of your support. You make me happy!
What great photos! Down, Jealousy. Down! I want a pumpkin chucker, too. I'm slightly ashamed to admit that, but living in Texas, I'm pretty used to shame. LOl. ;)
Hypothetically...would a man fit in that pumpkin chunker? ;)
Hi its Katsoup. from MSN & here.
You quit freakin smoking !!
I love a good catapult. beleive it or not our high school has cow patty flinging contest once a year, talk about a fun day.
Whoo Hoo you are my idol. 3 Days! I have to get my weight and fags inder control. I admire you for doing both!!
have a good one.
Slight: Lets go in on one together...we can keep it in the garage. ;)
Indi: How big is said hypothetical man? And does he know you or me? LOL
Kat: Thank you for being excited for me! Your time is a'comin' too.
Cow pies????!!! wow...hmmm. That would be an odorific event, huh?
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