
Little girls, Little girls

My daughter is a senior this year. I am not sure what to do with that. It's a fact that my head refuses to recognize because in my eyes - she is still my baby!

So beautiful. So smart. So amazing. I am proud beyond measure.

She doesn't like me to speak of it, but it was just two and a half years ago that she was txting her dad from Disneyland, telling him that she was going to f'n kill me. ( I actually forgot about this - she reminded me, all the while asking me to forget about it. Crazy kid.)

Her heart is so very pure...so kind. God blessed/cursed her with a ministry to strays. Not animals - people. Stray people flock to her just to be near.

I know exactly how they feel.


Riff Dog said...

So you're saying that there's hope my eldest will grow out of this phase??? ;-)

Your daughter sounds like a great girl. She's a cutie, too! Funny to think these are the same kids who would give us butterfly kisses as we'd tuck them in and make sure their night light is on.

Terri G said...

Hi Riff!

...my favorite dog. :)

Nice to see you! Yes, it really is a shock to the system when they grow taller than you (you don't have that problem), and they start turning on their own night lights...:(

Hail Mary, Full of Grace

(Gesu Church in Miami, FL) One of the things I did this year in furthering my spiritual formation is sign up for Adoration once ...