
Now What?

Some of you don't know this, but I also write Reversible Errors. Not that it should matter to you....but it might explain the gap in my entries here in QxQ. ( I just totally made up that abbreviation - I LOVE IT!)

I am hiding for a few days. Licking my wounds. Trying to make sense of everything in my world. Deciding how I want to show up and who I want to be. No easy task...and I am already a bit overwhelmed.

Tonight I am going to concentrate on asking how OTHER people are. A friend of mine suggested it as a helpful way to get over myself.

I really need to get over myself.

How are you?


Laoch of Chicago said...

Immersing yourself in other people when you feel lost was good advice I think. Good wishes to you.

** said...

Well chasing you around certainly leaves me NO time to wallow young lady! Thank goodness for text messages!

I think I'm OK and then I get hit sideways by an "OMG, WTF, WTH, really? seriously?" Then I come back for more. Why, because that my dear... is how I roll. Roll right into a brick wall, ouch.

I'm not writing, I just read your blog rolls because we have the same taste in people or the same voyeuristic qualities. Fabulous bunch they are, love them!

Thinking of you as well

cort said...

Thank you, L. I appreciate your support. :)

Bec, all my blogroll is yours, too. Help yourself and come have lunch with me. :)

ColleenQ said...

Me? Oh, I'm just worried about YOU... (and awfully happy to find your secret hiding spot).

Hail Mary, Full of Grace

(Gesu Church in Miami, FL) One of the things I did this year in furthering my spiritual formation is sign up for Adoration once ...