
Wise and Unwise Why's

PostSecrets fascinate me. I read them every chance I get. They are addicting! No, I haven't done one myself...mostly because I am not nearly as creative as those tormented (or delighted!)souls.

I found my own PostSecret at Target. I was in one of my hibernation spells - you know, where I don't answer the phone or the door or my email - but I needed to get some inserts for my little planner, so venture out I did.

As I looked for just the right paper product for my life changing (HA!) organizer, I came across the most extraordinary thing smack dab in the middle of a notepad on the shelf. I don't even know what made me flip through it!:

I do know this, though - it changed my whole night. It still affects me when I look at it now! Who wrote this? Was she (I am assuming the gender of the author and I know that is wrong. Sorry.) cheated on? Did her man (or woman - not assuming here) leave her for someone they knew? Or someone she trusted? Or someone the cheatee considered "less than"?

Perhaps the "her" in question got the job (or just the recognition) that the writer coveted. Or perhaps something unfathomable happened to the "her" and the question is aimed at God.

I am stunned by all of the perhaps's that these two words create.

And I am stunned by the answer that keeps sing-songing in my brain: Why NOT her?


ColleenQ said...

Perhaps it was just a bad speller that meant, "why here", as in Target?

Their logo is a giant, red bullseye..why NOT there??

Haphazardkat said...

Did you buy the pad??

OMG--I think that would forever haunt me until I knew the answer.
I LOVE PostSecrets--and yeah--I've never written any let alone sent one in--I just know someone would totally CSI my postcard and track it back to me. BAH. Humbug.

Hope you had a great Christmas!

Terri G said...


I love how you think outside the box! Why NOT here??


I didn't buy it. But I patted myself on the back endless times for taking a picture of it. Clever one, me. :)

And you are so right! My postcards would have a glaring neon arrow pointing right back to me...Oh well. I don't even have any good secrets.

Terri G said...


I love how you think outside the box! Why NOT here??


I didn't buy it. But I patted myself on the back endless times for taking a picture of it. Clever one, me. :)

And you are so right! My postcards would have a glaring neon arrow pointing right back to me...Oh well. I don't even have any good secrets.

Hail Mary, Full of Grace

(Gesu Church in Miami, FL) One of the things I did this year in furthering my spiritual formation is sign up for Adoration once ...