Concert season is winding up again...not that there weren't any great ones this winter. One really fun one was Agent Sparks/Halifax/Hoobastank. (the pic is Halifax - I love that picture!) Nights like that - the friendship, the atmosphere, the ambiance and crazy circumstances - are difficult to top or even come close to recreating. But I am going to give it my very best shot in the next couple of months! HA!
As I was going through my email this morning, I was listening to my children interact with each other. "I love my teacher," the middlest son tells the youngest. "Your teacher is a camel," the youngest tells the middlest. Which makes the middlest cry. And then come running to me. "IS your teacher a camel?" I ask the child. "No...." he sobs. "Then don't WORRY about what your brother says!" I wisely intone. And then shoot the youngest a dirty look while adding, "Don't call your brother's teacher a camel."
Nobody told me I would be saying things like this when I was 37. I think I should have had some sort of warning. Or training. Or pharmaceuticals.
Have a great day all!
Great blog that you have going here.
So I notice I am under “people you can’t figure out. yet.” If you view my “International Call in Sick Campaign”- that should help you “get me”. If I can answer any questions, please don’t hesitate to ask. www.thehermitwithdavisfleetwood.com
peace, davis
If a child calls a teacher a camel, and a brother is not there to hear, is the teacher indeed a camel? Think about that while you run for your medication!
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