
Roller Coasters Also Go Up

Good Tuesday Morning, all! 'Tis gonna be a great day...I can feel it.

Which is a strange and unfamiliar feeling. My last few months have consisted of doom and gloom and blackness. Why is that, do you think? I wonder if I am just predisposed to going through periods of darkness...and I am wondering if maybe EVERYone does the same thing, and it is just fine? Wouldn't that be crazy? To go through my entire life trying to stop a cycle that is the norm, thinking that there must be something terribly wrong with me?

Well, whatever. I am not going to waste the good part of the roller coaster trying to figure out the bad part.

Tomorrow I celebrate 100 days smokefree. In Q-Speak, this makes me an Elder. I cannot describe how excited I am about this milestone. It is a lot of fun to celebrate these days with my pals from the Qnet- a bunch of us met in Denver on Saturday, went to the Rockies Game and bar hopping afterwards. Kind of makes it hard to celebrate the next milestone even bigger when we have that much fun...but yeah, okay, I will try. :)

Have a great day, all...


NT said...

I'm so proud of you Terri! Woooohoooo! My life has been up-n-down also. Been meaning to write but just haven't found the right mental space. Things are going well here overall though.

Let's both smile and enjoy each other's big and little successes. Maybe we'll end up perfect yet...

Terri G said...

I am glad things are going well Jim. You have been on my mind...

I am smiling and enjoying our successes right now as we speak!:)

Anonymous said...

So today is the big 100! Way to go, Elder! So nice to see you are still alive and kicking! Glad to hear that the roller coaster is going up, as well. I think longer days help with everyone's sense of well-being....

Terri G said...

I think you are right, Jeff. And it is nice to see that YOU are still alive and kicking! More sun=happy people, I bet.


terri: congrats on 100 days. i hav been smoke free for 6 weeks now. never felt better, and not going back. - davis

Hail Mary, Full of Grace

(Gesu Church in Miami, FL) One of the things I did this year in furthering my spiritual formation is sign up for Adoration once ...