That last post? Criminy. Yes, those things are true. Should I have made them a permanent fixture of my blogging record? No. Was there fallout across the board - from friends, family and even people I have never met (but hoped to meet in the future!)? Yes, oh yes there was.
It is what it is.
The risk is huge. I cannot survive another recurrence of the previous months' heartache. I can't.
But on the other hand, don't we all take huge risks when we are truly involved with someone? How far did I really get playing it safe all of the time? How huge will the payoff be if I am making the right choice? How rewarding will it be to give all of me and not be worried so much about keeping things congruent?
I think my idealism has taken a fatal hit right in the gut.
Sometimes things don't turn out the way I think they should. Sometimes they turn out so much better.
Be kind to yourself.
I'm with you girl. I think when you finally lose your death grip on idealism is the day you finally grow up.
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