
Just put that over there...

I have a new house - and it is all me. I didn't move into it because it was my only option, or because I was in a hurry, or because I was being rescued or "taken care of".

I actually chose it! I day dreamed about it, drove by it every chance I got, moved all the furniture around in my head, redid the blinds in my imagination and thought of nothing else until FINALLY - I got the call that it was mine.

I moved in this last weekend.

That's when I discovered how many things I left behind in the marriage dissolution...things that have been provided for me over the past year but are not mine to take to a new house. Things that are integral to running a household that feels like home to three children!

I needed a washerdryerqueenbeddresserdesktwotwinmattressesdiningroomtableandchairs, and I needed them right away. So - I did what any single mom would do - I stalked Craigslist.

Oh my heavens! I have found the neatest things on Craigslist for the greatest prices...I don't think I will ever shop at a furniture store again.

What I DIDN'T think about was how to move all of these said bargains. Those are some heavy items and some were located quite far away!

So - I did what any single mom would do -

I called my ex husband for help.

...and he came running.

I am a very blessed single mom. Blessed and well housed.

Wanna come over for a house warming party??!


Sher said...

How utterly exciting! YAY a New house!! Double yay! Can you have a sleep over with pizza and bad singing and doing hair and makeup and eating candy all night and jumping on the new beds and eating cereal out of the box and playing truth-or-dare? can you? can you? can you?

Sher said...

oh for Godssake woman, can you post something already? YOu cannot talk about a new house and then leave me here just....


Stop taking so damn long.

ColleenQ said...

I want you to know that I was late to work yesterday morning...I found your hiding spots!

I keep thinking how alike we are...except that you're an outgoing, perky, adorable sexpot! ;)

I miss you. Often.

Hail Mary, Full of Grace

(Gesu Church in Miami, FL) One of the things I did this year in furthering my spiritual formation is sign up for Adoration once ...