
More Bread Crumbs

I did a search on my email to see if I could find the name of the Chicago suburb we stayed at when we had our Quitnet International 3D. It was just a piece of trivia that I thought would be an easy find.

I didn't find it. The year was 2007 and there were a whole lot of other emails that year, too. The email listing the itinerary with the town name is a literal needle in the haystack.

What I did find, however, read like an archaeological dig. What a year that was. Who in the world was I, even? I can feel myself slipping back in to that whirlpool of confusion and excitement ...and fear.  Like I have stumbled upon a portal of the Time Between Times. I followed breadcrumb trails through my blog, through my instant messages - even through picture archives I had forgotten about.

Shaking off the swirling emotions is proving difficult. But is that even what I want to do? Maybe my ruminations are designed for a purpose.

One thing that I know for sure: I feel the loss of you keenly. I miss my support system, my tribe of vagabonds and artists and writers and musicians. I wish there was a way to tell some of you that.

1 comment:

Terri G said...

Schaumberg.The name of the town was Schaumberg. ☺

Hail Mary, Full of Grace

(Gesu Church in Miami, FL) One of the things I did this year in furthering my spiritual formation is sign up for Adoration once ...