
Vanilla Pudding in the Shade

My boys in my back yard. It backs right into heaven...great for late evening walks!

This weekend I got bored. And boring. Ugh.

I woke up this morning on my red leather art deco couch in a puddle of sunlight to the sound of cartoons. Anyone who knows me knows that I don't watch TV. But I have been doing just that this weekend. And apparently it is sucking the brains right out of me to the point where I can't even make it to bed!

Dielji is at "Fish Camp" this weekend...all weekend. Plus two weekdays. In his absence I could have gone to the lake with friends or gone bar hopping and dancing with other friends, but I decided to start acting like a sane, balanced woman who can be by herself for a couple of days without throwing a breaker. I stayed home.

I floated in my pool, did pilates, laundry and dishes. And watched two movies. I worked out on my elliptical and made a menu for next week so the kids and I can go grocery shopping when I pick them up from their father's house.

That is ALL I have done...and I will tell you this:
I cannot be by myself for a couple of days without throwing a breaker. I get boring and stupid. Next time I am at this crossroads - watch out, world! I am coming to play with YOU!


ColleenQ said...

At least cartoons are better than getting suckind into "America's Next Top Model" or "Flip this House" marathons, which happens to me when I'm alone.

Feel free, though, to "come play with me" next time!

Unknown said...

Indi - I watched the 48 hour marathon of America's Next Top Model over the New Years Eve holiday. Do you have any idea how long that is? Like two days or so! And do you know how depressing that was?? A whole tub of ice cream or so! Plus some oreos. And also some wine. And probably beer. Wicked programming, that. Ugh.

...I will need directions to your neck of the woods by next weekend or so. :)

Hail Mary, Full of Grace

(Gesu Church in Miami, FL) One of the things I did this year in furthering my spiritual formation is sign up for Adoration once ...