
Please pass the soap

ColorQuiz.com terri took the free ColorQuiz.com personality test!
"Intense, vital, and animated, taking a delight in ..."

Click here to read the rest of the results.

Well, I took it again. And as ever, it has me pegged.

By the way, folks, I am not creating anything on any level of my life. I can't even write checks right now. (that was a joke) Mostly, I am just trying to get through the next few minutes without screwing up myself or anyone else.

9 weeks no smokes - I know, huh? It hasn't been hard, but it has to get better than it is right now.

Spring...come bring those rains that cause everything to grow and turn green...rain on my heart and wash away all of the grey and yucky of the past year. I want to be clean.

I guess that is it in a nutshell. I want to be clean.


These are a few of my favorite things...

(what it looks like when you are in the way on stage)

I felt Spring in the air today, and it made me want to Spring Clean! No, I didn't actually DO anything of that nature, but I did scrub a few things down. And while I did my scrubbing, I got out some of my old stuff...when did Bush become old stuff? Isn't that sad? And then I played some Korn. Who had to be monitored for volume whenever I heard my kids scampering near...

We are trying to do more family things here in the H home...we have gone out for Sunday dinner three Sundays in a row! The best part is: There have been no Cold Wars or Fire of Hell Battles during our outings. It is a small victory to report back to the marriage counselor.

Yeah...still going to the marriage counselor. She likes me. But I think she likes Jerry more. I can't fault her on her good taste, but I would like to have her in MY corner. Now you can see the kind of reasoning that landed me in marriage counseling to begin with.

Just got me some tix for Rocco de Lucca and the Burden on March 17th. I found them just before Christmas and have been wallering in their music ever since. You must go check 'em out.

Then come the Decemberists! Yeah...check them out, too.



Q is for Quit

(my friends Ricky and Jeff from i69 opening for Slaughter)

So forgive me already. I am doing some fancy self-medicating...but I am NOT smoking. Nope. I am 39 days clean according to my "QuitGadget". A real long ways away from the success of my former quit - and I don't care. In the end, the only thing that matters is that I am not killing myself with smokes today. I prefer to do it with wine, apparently. :)

One of the best things about a Quit? Waking up every day thinking "I wonder what magical thing is going to happen to me today?".

Today it was an email from someone named Jeremy who saw some of my work - and wants me to do some for him and his production company. I am honored, and yet a little embarrassed. I still get nervous that I will let someone down once they get past my bravado and facade.

But it was magical, nonetheless.
(my friends Ricky and Jeff from i69 opening for Slaughter)

So forgive me already. I am doing some fancy self-medicating...but I am NOT smoking. Nope. I am 39 days clean according to my "QuitGadget". A real long ways away from the success of my former quit - and I don't care. In the end, the only thing that matters is that I am not killing myself with smokes today. I prefer to do it with wine, apparently. :)

One of the best things about a Quit? Waking up every day thinking "I wonder what magical thing is going to happen to me today?".

Today it was an email from someone named Jeremy who saw some of my work - and wants me to do some for him and his production company. I am honored, and yet a little embarrassed. I still get nervous that I will let someone down once they get past my bravado and facade.

But it was magical, nonetheless.

Hail Mary, Full of Grace

(Gesu Church in Miami, FL) One of the things I did this year in furthering my spiritual formation is sign up for Adoration once ...