Undesireable Baggage

Lung Smudgin'

I know that it appears that I have brought an illness upon myself by playing so hard, but I have to tell you that I have ALWAYS played so hard, and have NEVER gotten just plain pancaked like this. It is very frustrating. But whatever.
Someone suggested an indian ceremony complete with smudging to drive the spirits out of my lungs...If I get that desperate I will take video, alright?
Took my oldest daughter to Big Gig this weekend, and OH that was fun! She is fifteen now, and old enough to make my life miserable, but for the most part she chooses to rock out with mom whenever given the chance. I am grateful for the common ground.
I am also thankful that I can take her around my friends and other loved ones and she melds right in. It feels really nice when people ask me to bring her along for outings...just because she is fun and pleasant to be around.
Please remind me of this when she is tormenting me again.

I am a sneaky one.
I don't mean to be deceptive. I only mean to disappear and reinvent.
I don't mean to cut anyone out of my life intentionally. But to take you along only reminds me of the failures I could not rectify.
I don't mean to be shady, or flaky, or unstable. But I cannot sustain the thought processes that I am abandoning.
Thats why I am bowing out...moving on...recreating.
Call it what you want - just don't look back, and don't expect me to look back either.
Hail Mary, Full of Grace
(Gesu Church in Miami, FL) One of the things I did this year in furthering my spiritual formation is sign up for Adoration once ...
So...it's the weekend. I am literally sighing big exhales of relief. Why do some weeks take a month to get through?! I took my hands...
Okay...I HAD a dream. And it woke me up, too. I woke up shaking with fear that I had finally given in to the dark side of me and was going ...
(my dad) Well. 'Tis Thanksgiving 2006...and I am thankful for many things. I just wish I was better at holidays. Not for my little f...