
How you like them apples?

My biggest struggle in trying to live my life as a self-actualized human being/Wonder Woman is knowing what to do with those who don't like me.

Honestly, in 2007 I was pretty sure I had this licked. "I am not everyone's cuppa tea - I get that. And that is okay", I would say. And I would truly be fine with it.

But now - not so much. I have a totally new world of people to interact with, and a totally new set of personalities to adapt to. I walk in on a future relative saying something mean about me and I shrink. I shrivel! I run away. The neighbor is snotty and disdainful one day, but friendly and engaging the next? I spend hours in turmoil trying to figure out how to increase the friendly, engaging minutes while erasing whatever I did to cause the snotty, disdainful ones. I have wasted so much time dissecting interactions between people in my past, my present and my future, all to determine how to make things better. How to make things right for these people who don't seem to like me.

I need to write it on my heart: I am not everyone's cuppa tea. I am me. And I am just fine! I don't like everyone and not everyone has to like me. That is okay.

I hereby resolve to be myself and pretend that I haven't heard or seen anything from anyone that would indicate that they think I am anything less than wonderful. And I will be much happier, I am sure. And if they are much happier as a result, that will just be bonus.


Over the Hills

I am getting old. And not metaphorically. I am aging at an exponential rate that is startling and shaming to me.

I eat so well. I don't drink a whole lot anymore. I use sunscreen and I get 8-9 hours of sleep every single night. I am blessed with very little stress and I have great genes. So WHY?

I am hoping that it is just a perception thing...like body dysmorphic disorder. Or maybe a mirror distortion.

I am not ready to be old. I didn't get being young done yet.



I am doing a 90 day project. Not for business purposes, or to "level up" like so many of my friends are doing these days. I just really like the idea that you can select a certain length of time, set an intention, and grow something new in your life! It has the same appeal to me as the cleansing aspect of abstaining from something for the Lenten season. I am committing to doing a few things health related and a couple of things creativity related for 90 days starting today. ( I don't know why I am being vague - why can't I just tell you what things I will be doing??! Criminy. Seriously, not that big of a deal. Still - not telling.)

 Have any of you done something similar to a 90 Day Challenge/Project? What were your results?

Hail Mary, Full of Grace

(Gesu Church in Miami, FL) One of the things I did this year in furthering my spiritual formation is sign up for Adoration once ...